Monday, June 25, 2012

Brazil Fall 2012 Mission Trip
Stephanie Queen

Our team will be traveling to Northeast Brazil this fall as part of an ongoing outreach to a nation greatly affected by the global commercial sex industry.  With the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2014 and Rio Olympics in 2016, Brazil is set to receive a heavy boost to an already booming illegal industry. With an estimated 250,000 children in prostitution within the naturally beautiful nation, Brazil has become a top destination for sex tourism.  The Northeast is the center of this activity with its beautiful beaches and close proximity to Europe. Direct flights from Italy, Spain, and Portugal, to name a few, daily fly in and out delivering sex tourists to a burgeoning supply of innocence.

Our team will be partnering with Iris Ministries in Fortaleza to strengthen the foundation of prayer they have established in the worst slum in the city.  This favela is a breeding ground for drug addiction and prostitution and many children have lost their parents to these lifestyles and find themselves vulnerable to the same fate through traffickers that quickly prey on their vulnerability. We will be daily praying with the Iris team and doing outreach into local areas where prostitution and trafficking occur.

In Recife we will be joining Shores of Grace Ministries who have recently opened a safehouse for children who have been exploited and trafficked. Our team will be serving the Shores of Grace team, praying with them and doing outreach to children on the streets and prostituted women in exploitation.

These two ministries are doing significant work in their cities to not only rescue the oppressed but to shift the atmosphere through prayer and worship.  It’s an honor and a privilege to partner with these marvelous comrades to see an end to this trade in even one person’s life and to pray for the return of the One who will end injustice for all.

Due by July 1st, 2012  
Trip Details:
October 18th- 29th Fortaleza, Brazil
October 30th- November 8th Recife, Brazil

***Possibly will extend the trip another 10 days to attend the CALL Brazil where the International House of Prayer will host a conference and screen Exodus Cry's Human Trafficking Documentary: "Nefarious Merchant of Souls"      (: This would increase cost of trip by a little but not much :)


Airfare: $1500
On the ground: $1500
•  this includes food, accommodations, and on the ground travel for 20 days
Home Base Cost and Emergency/Pocket Money: $900
Brazil Visa: $100
Total trip cost: $4000
Payment Deadlines:
•  August 10th  - $1500 due to book airfare
•  September 31st - $1500 due for on the ground expenses

Visas: North Americans traveling to Brazil must apply with the Brazilian Consulate for a tourist visa. This visa costs $100 (not included in overall trip total cost) and is valid for multiple entry for five years, for a stay of up to 90 days each time.  Visa can only be applied for once individual has booked airfare. Each team member will be responsible for acquiring their own visa. 

Please consider jumping in as a Financial Supporter &/OR Prayer Partner for this trip. I am also in need of ongoing monthly PARTNERSHIP as I serve on the Missions Base in Kansas City Full-time.

Contact me at: for further questions and giving instruction. Bless YOU!!!!

*Stephanie Queen

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I love the way He leads me. The Lamb that was led like a lamb to the slaughter, He was led by His Father. This very same Lamb is my Shepherd. He leads me as He was led... I love the leadership of God. It is so kind, so sweet and so wise. At this moment in time I have a lingering longing for distant lands and foreign sounds. In the air I smell the faint hint of airplane engines and the rush of making my flight. I smell the fragrance of someones perfume that takes me to a place I've yet to have gone to, but I place I long to see with my own eyes. I am drawn to pray for places I've never been to and in the process I find myself crying with the tenderness of God's heart. I long to speak and be immersed in a language and culture not my own. I long to fully embrace a people I have never met and love Jesus together with them. I long for the open night sky and the bustle of night life as prayers and worship stir in my heart and escape through my mouth. I long to take the house of prayer to the streets under the stars and touch the very people I have been praying for over the past few years. I long to rub up against a community of people that I can serve, minister and burn with for Jesus. I want to eat with them, worship with them and reach the lost, broken, poor and oppressed with them. I want a family bigger than my own, and a language not familiar to me to become second nature. I want to be beauty and light in the dark and the painful places of peoples lives. I want to be a testimony that my friend that has held me in the night for the past 5 years, it is this friend that has brought beauty from all my ashes. I want to go take the beauty He has given me and run to the ash heap. I want to look those covered in ashes in the face, embrace them and tell them of what the Lord has done for me. I want to be apart of seeing the transformation that God wants to do in their lives too! I want to be a sweet smelling fragrance amid the poor, the hurting and the hardened hearts. I want to be myself, the soft, gentle, beautiful flower that God has made from my life- I want to be that flower in the midst of the barren wilderness of peoples lives. Oh that I would be JOY in the midst of someones sorrow and in the midst of their pain. Oh that I would be nice to see and soft to touch, a sweet welcoming aroma that bears witness to the restoring hands of Jesus Christ. It is all for His glory, all for His name. He can put me anywhere, and have me serve anywhere; All I ask is GIVE ME JESUS wherever I go and wherever I serve. All I ask is that the Glory and the Beauty of Jesus would be my sustenance, my food, water, and my air. Abba, fill me with light, truth, the knowledge of You, and with experience after experience of how great Your love truly is. I love You Lord, You are my Joy and my Delight. (check out a song by Lisa Gottshall called "All is For Your Glory"- It's my new favorite -SQ)