Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Beginnings...

I am 30 yrs old now. WOW.. kinda cool :) I passed my vocal auditions to be on the approved singers list at IHOP. I laughed and cried at the same time when I found out last friday. I tried out on the 15th, a couple days before my birthday. Happy birthday to me! I tried out for the first time in my Track one of Fire in the Night Sept '07. A couple yrs and 8 tryouts later, I have finally passed! It took God's approval to be stamped on my heart first. It had become a challenge after 5 or 6 tries :) It wasn't about singing on stage anymore or finding my identity in being a singer. Anyway, I feel as though this is only the beginning of what God has for me. This year is going to be good I know it! I am on the brink of something... I'll clue you in as soon as I find out :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Inching along in the dark

So right now in my life, more than usual, I feel as though it's gonna be my birthday soon. Which, funny enough, is really soon in real life! I'll be the big 30 on the 18th! It's like a friend is leading me to somewhat of a surprise party and I am blind folded.
I feel the excitement of good things to come really soon, I know it will be fun, but still a little nervous about walking in the dark. My friend is quietly telling me to go left and right or just straight ahead. I know I can trust Him, but I am still inching along, shuffling my feet, IN THE DARK.
It feels like forever! I am in a bit of limbo. I know change is coming, and I will not be the same. Already, I know that I am not the same since South Africa. But more is coming. What are you doing dear Holy Spirit ?? :) Not a clue.. somewhat, but not at all, if you know what I mean :) Well, I need to get ready for night watch. I just got finished cleaning at the awakening services. Wiped out cause I got woke up today at 10am!!! Couldn't fall back asleep for a couple hours! OUCH... Be blessed :)
Stephanie Queen

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A little bit of a breakthrough..

The sun is rising as we speak (read/write...??). Time for this night owl to hit the hay. Brief update, I think I know what I am to do in this "season" of my life! As I was pacing in the dance square of the Global Prayer Room on Red Bridge Rd, KC MO.. :) .. this was prob around 3am?? It hit me. I want God to send me back to school, debt free. :) No working a job, sent. I want to learn about nutrition, health, take art classes, writing, history, learn a language or two.. I want to take jazz vocal lessons, some kind of dance lessons, (jazz ballet??), piano, and so much more!! Would love to learn more about coffee, the coffee trade etc. .. How to run a coffee shop/bed and breakfast/ safe house/ worship center etc etc... :)!! Sound board... Also, it has been confirmed by more than 2 people's prophetic words... God has me moving into a season of healing for my own heart, and in turn will make me a deliverer!! How cool is that. The chorus that God gave me in South Africa comes to my mind.. :

"Their hearts are in a cage and they're all locked up. You hold the keys, Jesus."
"Their hearts are in a cage and they're all locked up. Please set them free, Jesus."

I feel He has turned it around on me, as my housemate also confirmed in a prophetic word, that God is saying my heart's in a cage and it's all locked up. He holds the keys and He will set me free! Oh beautiful Jesus :) I love Him.
