Sunday, July 19, 2009


I don't know my cousin Blake super well, but I really care about him. Bless his heart. He needs some miracles and healing. He's in ICU. Wish I could be there. I have been telling all my night watch friends at IHOP (international house of prayer), to pray for him. I looked up his blog to see the updates. I cried when I clicked on the link for the definition of the procedure they are going to do on monday. Man, it breaks my heart to see the pictures of someone's leg all gashed open. I thought of what Blake must look like, and it makes me cry. So sad, and so painful. I can't even imagine. I know there isn't anything I could physically do to help, besides hugging my aunt and uncle, and offering some coffee maybe. :) I am praying all through my day. He's really been on my heart. And his little boy Tresden, Blake's brothers and family... Guys, I love you all. Never got close to my family like I would have wanted. Living overseas, kinda puts a hold on friendships sometimes. But.. I have today to love and get to know and the days ahead. God touch Blake's body right now, heal every hurt, every pain, and heal his heart. Reveal your love and your power to restore, mend and carry him through anything. Love ya Blake,

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