Monday, July 6, 2009

God have mercy .......

Argh. I need help guys. My house is up for rent, I am behind on my payments and in debt. I am probably making a bigger fuss about this than I need to, I know I am. God is bigger than, and mightier than, richer than... ahhhh. Show me the money is what I am thinking. errrr.... I am stuck against a rock and a hard place. My Romania funds have come in with flying colors, butttt.. on the "home" front, financial hole is getting bigger. What is God up to? Blessing on one hand and a lesson on the other? He's my rock and my fortress. So I am pretty much put in a position where I have to full on not just lean but climb up on and hold on for dear life to the rock. Ok so this isn't life or death, but it's HARD buddy. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. .. ok, well aren't you glad you checked out my blog today!!! :) Tune in later to see the great miracle that God is doing/did/gonna do, real soon. How just when I thought it was too late, He turned it all around, because He is the God of the break through, midnight hour, perfect loving, good, good, God and father. He is my friend, He is in control, He hasn't and won't let me go. He is my Rock, and though it's painful sometimes to lean, He is steady and firm beneath my feet. I love you Lord. Show me mercy, your loving kindness, grace, grace. ~SQ

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