Saturday, June 7, 2008

MK / Missionary

Ever since I was little, traveling around to churches with my family, one of the questions I was asked the most was "are you going to be a missionary like your parents when you grow up?". I got really tired of that question, just so you know :)
I love missions with such a deep, heart-felt way, I can't even tell you. Jesus is at the heart of missions. A Jewish man that was used to working hard with his hands, and loving others recklessly, with all of his being. Wherever the Lord leads me I will go, with no boundaries except the one's He sets for me. I have learned a long time ago as a kid, not to put people in ministry on a pedestal. People are people, and the church is full of imperfect people. Although, forgiven and blameless before the Lord, the church has hurt more than just one person. I know it's easy to lump the whole church together with the one or two people that hurt us, but in the end the only person left hurt is you. Just a note of encouragement from one who's been there, forgiving them really does free YOU up on the inside. God sees all and knows all and He CARES.
As I started saying, I love missions. I have never been opposed to living in a foreign country and telling people about Jesus. As a kid, I more was excited about living in other countries. I'm a little older now and realize the reason for going other parts of the world - to preach the gospel. Being a missionary though isn't something you inherit. Some kids follow in there parents footsteps, but life is a choice. I'm 27 and find myself raising monthly support, sending out letters as a Missionary. I touch the nations and move the heart of God from a little gray chair in the prayer room here at ihop. Bible in my lap, and music filling my ears, I encounter the most amazing relationship with a God so much bigger than me. While the world sleeps (in more ways than one), "I got your back" midnight to 6am. My friend Margaret, (a fellow starbucks co-worker in Grove City, Ohio)loves Jews and everything about Jews. I love them too. One in particular :)
This is going to be amazing. Just finished my first week of being back at ihop (International House of Prayer). Getting adjusted to the nights, somewhat unpacked and settled. I am working out the specifics with my schedule, and start voice lessons this next wed. (yea!). Now, if you ask me, "what are you going to be when you grow up?", I can tell you. I'm going to be a missionary.
(p.s. I love ya Marge!)
~Stephanie Queen

The above pictures are of me and one of my new roommates-Melissa. The second picture is at my baptism here in Kansas City, MO at IHOP in Nov. '07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, my hotdog firend!
You rock and I love you!
Looking forward to see you!!! YAY!

A hug,