Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What does it mean to be poor in spirit?

So, as a fire in the night intern track 2'er, I can look back on the last 4 months and definitely see a change in my heart. Ever since I started at IHOP in Sept. 07, we have studied the sermon on the mount in Matthew. Among the other many blessed things are those poor in spirit. I have come to a new understanding of that little sentence. Every human on the planet has a spirit that is depraived, painfully malnurished, stricken with poverty and in dire need of saving. The only thing that is different about people is there level of awareness. I am growing in the realization that apart from God, I can do nothing.
Be blessed to know that the more you lean into the power of weakness, the more you will gain in knowing / experiencing Jesus.
#Stephanie Q

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