Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Revive Me

I'm here. And if I lived here, I'd live differently than before.
Rediscovering relationships of years ago. Rediscovering I don't belong here like I did then.
I'm different. And If I weren't there would be something wrong with me.
Discovering how I have been molded and shaped into the girl I am today.
Where you live, where you work, and what you listen to really does something on the inside.
How is it that I'm not the girl dressed in rags holding up a cardboard sign?
What has kept me from drinking my life away in a bottle or wasting away with a needle?
Who?, Is the question...
How is it that I have a car that's paid off, a house that is still in my name and parents that are still married?
What kept me from driving off the road multiple times, or Why do I still own a house?
Who is it that has kept my ma and dad in love to this day?
So, I remember when someone asked me as a kid: "you going to grow up and be a missionary like your mom and dad??" I didn't like that question and my first response was "no way!"
Well, here I am.
I'm sitting at Tim Hortons in Circleville, Ohio. The view is Walmart, Bob Evans and route 23 straight ahead of me.
I will look back and see all that God was doing in me and be thankful.
He has always been right, He has always done well with my heart. He has never ever let me down. So, I'm here, I'm available, and I'm weak. Really weak. Papa, help me be obedient to you today, I want to succeed.
I surrender all of me...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"and route 23 straight ahead of me..." -->>> "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. [...] He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake..." ~ Psalm 23