Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where He leads I will follow

No matter where I go, I can't get away from whatever lesson God has me learning. I can't put things on hold for when I get back, or work ahead to complete the "lesson" early.

Another thing I have seen in my lifetime of traveling is this: It doesn't matter what country I'm in, or who I'm with, what I'm doing etc... Life is still life, people and relationships are still challenging, the sky is still blue, and there is always something good to eat. Things look, sound and taste slightly different (sometimes drastically ;) but at the core, we have a lot in common in this world.

The reason I love foreign missions is because I get to see and know another side of God's heart and nature. I love the differences and diversity in the Nations. There are so many colors, and expressions of God in this world. When I am given the opportunity to travel, it enlarges my picture of who God is and what He's like. I love the language similarities and differences. I love the shades of skin and the unique touches of each nation.

Now that I said all that, I also can say I've learned (as a missionary kid up to now...) Missionary life isn't glamorous no matter where you go. Mundane times come, groceries still need bought, bills still need paid, sleep comes and goes etc... etc...

The ending of human trafficking sounds heroic as well, however, it really comes down to days like today. ... Praying in a park, admitting my dependence on God to come through, and continuing to be available to Jesus for whatever He would have me do. ... One prayer and one regular day at a time... Today I'm in Poland....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo true friend! Bless you! Big hug!