Thursday, July 29, 2010


Before you read the post from July 20th. Read July 12th first. I started telling the story in South Africa, but due to limited time on the internet, and overload with the return to the US of A.. It took me a few days and a minute to finish the post :)
~ Steph Q

Saturday, July 24, 2010

falling sparrows

sparrows were falling like cats and dogs. In the midst of the torrential downpour, a man stood alone. Arms outstretched in front of him and hands cupped together, he caught them one by one. His eyes were on the sparrows. "Just let them die, why are you wasting your time on those good for nothing animals anyway?" Some said. The man remained silent and continued saving the feathered creatures. One by one the sparrows fell. Staring intently at this heroic sight, his gaze met mine. First a nod then a wink, he spoke to me. "Come join me if you like." Startled, I grinned. Tables were turned. No longer was I watching him. He was watching me. I stepped down off the curb and into the street. Excitement grew as I neared this stately, curious man. We stood side by side, arms outstretched in front of us and hands cupped together. We both smiled in silence. One by one the sparrows fell. One by one we saved them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So on with the BP station in Rosettenville...

I had previously introduced my heart as being immersed, saturated and dripping profusely a few posts ago. A bit drama-ish, but descriptive nonetheless. Before I continue with Jafta at the BP station, a few thoughts on returning to KC. I never thought about going to South Africa in my life. Ever. Didn't know much about the country. I had interest in going throughout Europe, but I guess that only happened after I went to a European country (Romania). I have always been ready to hop on a plane since I was a kid. I grew up with a grass airstrip 5 minutes walk from my house. South Africa, however, just hadn't entered my mind. Turns out, there is a pretty big world out there. ("ooo baby baby it's a wild world, hard to get by just on a smile girl..." old song..) and, the more I see of it, the larger my heart grows for it. God keeps enlarging the territory of my heart for the nations. He definitely did that with SA this summer, or rather, WINTER for that side of the world!! God continually surprises me with how perfect His plans are for me. Wow... ok so where were we with Jafta?

Oh, ok, so 3 something in the morning, doing the Night Watch in Rosettenville, South Africa near Joburg. Cold wind, gloves, jackets and warm hats. Missing the campfire that we had left to go grab a midnight snack. .. Anywhoo. I get inside the door and I'm like, "what is going on". Everyone is serious, there is a dude sitting on a blue, plastic crate beside the cashier counter. The cashier is sitting behind a glass window, and another BP worker stands watching with us. There was a floor freezer right inside the door. I went over to ask JJ and Meagan what happened. "He got carjacked and shot". Meagan said. Wow. I didn't see any wound. His eyes were rolling around and he was smacking his lips like his mouth was dry. He seemed a bit out of it, which I guess is probably normal if you get shot, huh! He had red-like stuff on his lips and I thought, maybe this guy is just drunk, or high and he got in a fight with his girlfriend. I thought maybe the red stuff was lipstick. Maybe she pushed him from the car cause he was being a punk or something??? Was he lying or telling the truth?? I stood back so as to give him some room. We didn't want to crowd him. We all stood back except for Meagan and JJ. They continued to hold him up.

Blaire had called the ambulance and Jafta's fiance while I was outside with the woman and the creepy men. So, we prayed, and we waited. Karen bought Jafta some water and held it to his lips. He drank a little and then stopped. He was in pain. I was still not believing this was really happening in front of us! wow. ok, so people were coming in to buy groceries and pay for petrol (gasoline)and stepping right over Jafta to pay! They were completely unmoved it seemed! Several people were annoyed at the hold up in the line. Out of no where this white South African guy, with shaggy blonde hair busts in through the door. He is immediately annoyed and leans both hands on the deep freezer and says to us, (4 of us were on the other side of freezer), "Who's holding up the line!?" "What's going on here, what's the hold up in the line?". Something like that. He came in abruptly and not with a good spirit, that's for sure! We told him that Jafta had been shot. He said, "Why are you keeping this piece of trash alive?!" "Just let him die!" What??@%*@! wow. We were stunned as he kept saying stuff like that. Completely a strategic attack from the enemy on Jafta's life! wow, what if we hadn't been there? God so lead our steps to that gas station, not to mention many other times during our trip in South Africa!! This man was speaking death over Jafta and calling him South African trash and that we should let him die and go to heaven. "Just let him go to heaven", he said, unsympathetically. Afterward, our group agreed that the man wasn't talking to Jafta necessarily, he was speaking to his spirit. We all had a bad feeling about that guy. He started digging in his pocket quickly. I was thinking, "Jesus! he's trying to find his knife! Is this guy going to try and kill Jafta right in front of us???!!" Marishka, started saying, "Please leave, in the name of Jesus, please leave!!". I joined in and kept praying, "Jesus, protect us, protect Jafta, get this guy out of here... !!". So he left pretty abruptly, as he came. We were relieved, but shocked. Wow, such words of death and complete lack of compassion. What was up with all this.

We were still waiting on some kind of emergency response and the ambulance. Another guy came in a little later and stepped over Jafta to buy some groceries and laughed. as he walked out he said, " Welcome to South Africa!" with a sarcastic tone in his voice and a grin on his face! Woah, again, such disregard, and disrespect for human life. The emergency response guy showed up. He didn't seem to know what to do. He came in casually, poked at Jafta's knee and shrugged his shoulders as he asked patronizingly, "What, you got shot?" I hadn't seen the gun shot wound either, but just by the look of the man, you can tell his body is in shock and he is wounded pretty bad. He wasn't able to hold himself upright and his eyes kept rolling back. The response guy poked at Jafta's knee and then he said some stuff to Jafta I didn't catch. Might have been in his language. Meagan and JJ helped Jafta take off his jacket, as the response guy was off somewhere. Jafta was in a lot of pain, and complained of being cold. We could now see the hole in his left arm. It was 2-3 inches down from his shoulder. The first aid guy, pushed around the hole in Jafta's arm. Jafta wanted to lay down. JJ, Meagan and a Salvation Army guy helped lay Jafta down on Marishka's blanket. Jafta seemed to be in more pain on the floor and almost immediately wanted up. We decided it was best to leave him on the floor. We didn't want to keep moving him. We didn't know what to do and the emergency kid wasn't much help. The ambulance arrived and they got out as if it were their lunch break in the middle of the afternoon on their day off! They got in there and were unmoved. I know they must see this a lot, but you would think that they would care a little more??? They got him on a stretcher and into ambulance. .. We walked back down to the camp fires and worship circle a couple blocks away. Sobered and not feeling that hungry anymore, we sat around the fire with the rest of the Salvation Army group, and our EC team.

I kinda felt more safe sitting across from the brothel where the pimps were at that moment. I hadn't really felt fear the whole trip. But at the gas station when the blonde haired guy came in, I felt some. God completely protected us and divinely ordered our steps that night. I stared into the fire and prayed for Jafta's life. I walked over and joined the rest of the ones that were with me at the BP station. We huddled up and prayed life and healing over Jafta and the whole situation. For God to wash us clean as well, that no darkness would cling to or take root in us from that situation. I looked across the fire and watched as Amy talked with one of the girls from the brothel. This has given me a new definition of Night Watch. I want to do this again :)

It was close to 5am and the leaders started packing things up. We loaded up in our beloved van (that we happened to drive over 11 thousand kilometers in!) and drove back to Hebron. Going to bed that night/day, I was in awe of what just happened, and so thankful to the Lord for using us. Jafta would have died if we hadn't had the munchies. God directed our steps every day in South Africa, I know it. He used us in our weakness and in the times when we didn't have any plans or intentions to minister. When we were out sight seeing, he brought people to us. When we left Hillbrow, because we had a different vision (ptl - EC team, you know what I'm talking about!), He had Gerard and Leoni and Maxim's hotel, and the 11 story brothel all lined up for us! When we had no plans, God had plans, he used us everywhere.... Thank you Jesus for the opportunity of a lifetime. I pray that this is only the beginning. I have a feeling it is. Life is not the same for me after South Africa. Kenako (it is time).
~ Steph Q.

Monday, July 19, 2010

30 second bullet point

Poverty, fear, addiction, fatherless, brokenness, YWAM, 24/7 prayer, slavery, orphans, violence, deception, hopelessness, racism, division, masks, facade, the nations united, soccer, alcohol, crazy animals, baboons!, life is like a cup of coffee in South Africa, you never know what you're going to get... I'll continue later..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

hold on

K, so it's been more than a day. I don't think anyone is reading this so not that many people hanging on to the edge waiting to hear the rest of the story. That is except for you. Sorry!!! Thanks for reading :) Well, just a little while longer and I'll see you. Just a little while longer and I'll know you, Just a little while longer and we'll be together... just kidding (IHOP song), I am in a funny mood. Just got proposed to. Not to worry, I don't even know the guy and I did not accept. Still waiting on that special someone. Whoever and wherever he may be, he is pretty great :)I like him already. ..I will finish the story tomorrow. It is 7:06am and I need to wash off my makeup, brush my teeth and hop in bed. My housemates have notified me they are switching to days, meaning they are already on days, their family is staying here, and another girl is living downstairs for a month and a half. Oh and the female dog is pregnant and about to give birth at any moment. Needless to say, I will be wearing earplugs to endure the commotion until my phone wakes me up at 4pm. Blessings, peace and grace,

Monday, July 12, 2010

This is South Africa...

.. I was warming my hands over the half barrel, used to contain our camp fire, that Friday night. A girl in a mini skirt and high heels walked past me and I whispered a prayer. "Hi", I said. She didn't acknowledge me, her pimp was watching nearby. The girls are kept under close watch throughout the night. We were camping out all night directly across from a brothel. The Salvation Army goes out every Friday night and prays for these girls and their pimps till 5am Sat morning.
Some of my team, (Exodus Cry) gathered for a walk up the road. Needing to stretch my legs, I ran after them to catch up. My heart has been immersed, saturated, and dripping profusely. With what, do I drip, into what have I been immersed, with what am I saturated, you ask? My heart has been introduced to, surrounded by, confronted with, poverty, desperation, and the means by which a women, man or child does whatever they have to, in order to survive, just for today. There are others in the same neighborhood that drive nice cars, work decent jobs and eat out regularly.
It was nice to clear my head as we walked. .. Little did we know what awaited. Turns out that the group wanted to pick up a few snacks from the gas station. As we neared the BP station, I saw several men outside. Blaire, JJ, Meagan, and Karen went inside. Myself, Dianna and a South African Friend named, Marishka (I am sure I spelled it wrong!)remained outside for a minute. Another girl was walking quickly towards us down the side walk. I said "Hi", and she stopped. Tears welling up in her eyes as she puffed on a cigarette, I sensed she was in trouble. I asked her name, and I am sorry to say I quickly forgot. Marishka asked her a few questions, and the girl said she was sorry, but she didn't have time. Marishka gave her a hug and I gave her one as well. She was so pretty, but scared and hurting... A tall Nigerian guy walked up threateningly close and asked us for a light. He spoke to the girl and said that he wanted a hug too. The young girl brushed him off, shook her head and walked away quickly. More guys approached us. The one asked, "so when are you going to introduce yourselves to me?" We introduced ourselves, and anger mixed with fear began to creep up in me. These guys weren't looking at us right, and they weren't just wanting to be welcoming. Another guy put his arm around my shoulder loosely and said, "what can you do for me?" with a smirk. Oooohh.... I snapped back with an automatic reaction, "nothing!". I added, questioning whether I responded correctly, "I can pray for you". The guys started asking for our names, then for numbers, we abruptly walked away and went inside.
Relief quickly shifted to concern when I saw JJ and Meagan propping up a man with blood on his jeans, and a wound on his knee. Further assessing the situation, the man, Jafta, had red-like stuff on his lips, found out he had been hi-jacked and shot. Am I really at a BP station at 3 something in the morning with a man who claims to have been shot??? .. I'll finish the story tomorrow. I am off to bed.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayer is powerful

Hey. So this is kinda short.. sorry. I am wiped out. :) A little update~ Now at a Christian conference place called Hebron. It is awesome to have a hot shower, and a comfy bed without the company of rodents. :) Also.. It's clean which is so so nice let me tell ya. So our initial plans to stay in Hillbrow got changed and we are asking the Lord to direct us in how to minister this last week or so in SA. God has been leading us so well! The couple here at Hebron are amazing and really think we are here for a reason. Also, an option opened up today to talk with a lot of girls (in an upscale brothel pretty much). One of our groups actually went in today! (we split up into two groups to pray for Hillbrow today). WE did an all night urban camp out with the Salvation Army Friday and will again this coming Friday. A girl got rescued a day or so ago that we had talked to and a man that we found with a gun shot wound called today saying he's ok. !! PRaise JESUS! HE may come to see us this Friday. Well, there is so much God is doing in my heart, I will leave it for another time :) Ready for bed, Blessings,
Praise is a weapon,
Steph Q