Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Count Down...

10 days from now I will be heading back to Kansas City, MO. This time it won't be for three months, or six months. It will be for two years.. or ten :) who knows.... Things are kind of a caotic mess, but trying to continue that leaning thing, and the being thankful for my daily bread. I get myself in trouble when I start looking ahead too far cause then I start to worry etc. Don't know where I'll get gas money for my car for work in a couple days, let alone for my 11 hour drive. Don't know who is going to take my unruly dogs and my little cat, but I don't need to right? I have enough gas for today, enough food for today, and I don't "need" a home for my pets just yet. I have "enough".. So this little note will be proof of God's provision when I look back in a couple weeks. Keep an eye out. I'll be bringing the answer, and the amazing story of how good, how faithful and how God provided for me in the perfect time..

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Sky

Have you ever had the urge to pull off to the side of the road and walk out into the middle of a field and lay down and look up at the sky? I grew up walking around barefoot and everywhere I turned their were trees, grass, mountains, rivers, flowers etc. I remember living in Nembi Valley, part of the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Every time we had a church service or some kind of gathering, it was expected to begin an hour or two later than planned. People walked for the most part, so we would be waiting on families that walked from a couple mountains away, taking them over several hours. They didn't wear watches, couldn't afford it and didn't know how to tell time. The Papua New Guinea people would gauge their time by the sun, and although it seems like they are never on time, they are very hard working, people-oriented, quick to smile and wave hello.
The past couple days, as I've driven home from work, the corn fields, green trees in the distance and the bright blue sky with fluffy clouds, has moved my small heart. I remember when I was younger and would struggle inwardly with all the moving that a missionary kid does. One thing that would comfort me was that when you look up, the sky is the same wherever you are. Wherever I went, their was a sun, moon, stars, and a blue sky with clouds. Rain is the same wet, refreshing liquid in America that it is in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Thunder is thunder, lightening is lightening, wind is wind. ... God is God....Sometimes the stars are a little hard to see in a city sky here in the states, but if you look closely, they are there.
Guess it goes to show, when you need some comfort, some familiarity, when you are looking for HOME..... look UP.
Seek First the Kingdom of God....