Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ephesians 3:16-19

Poor & Needy, Dry & Thirsty...

Poor and needy, dry and thirsty, You love me in my lowly
Poor and needy, dry and thirsty, You love me in my lowly estate
You love so well, You love me so well.

Rich and holy, You love me in my lowly
Rich and holy, You love me in my lowly estate
You love so well, You love me so well

Rich and holy, meek and lowly, Servant of all
Pure and spotless, perfect Shepherd and perfect Lamb.
You have loved well, You have loved me so very well.

You love me in my lowly, hear, see and know me.
You loved me in my dark, frailty and have brought me forth into Your light.
Resplendent beauty adorns You rightly and in the sight of such majesty,
I stand clad in rags.
In answer to my poverty, as a Father You clothe this lowly with Your holy...
Oh, what a beautiful Man...

Though poor and needy, the Rich and Holy loves me in my lowly.
He is the wellspring of my life and Lover of my soul.
Oh how He loves, He has loved me so well.
My heart really has unfolded, like a flower before this Love.
Oh, what a beautiful Man...
How He has loved me, Jesus, You love me so well!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Song of Solomon Chapter 8

Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her Beloved? I say, who is her Beloved that she leans upon? No girl looks pretty coming out of a sand storm. No soldier looks rested coming out of a war. No one looks confident when everything they know is taken. No girl shines with beauty, light and grace without love feeding her hungry heart. I say to you, if you see any beauty, grace or light in my life... look at the One who has lavished love upon me. And if you hear laughter, joy and see smiles displayed on my face... look at the One who has set me free. Look at the One who is leading, restoring and healing my heart. Look at the One who loves, protects and pursues me. Gaze in wonder at the Man who holds me up, for it is His strength, not mine, that requires applause. If you sense any kindness, goodness or love from my speech, expression or touch, look at the One who put stars in my eyes, warmth in my cheeks, and songs upon my lips. Look at this One, my Beloved who is strong. He is the One who should catch your attention, for anything you have glimpsed at all in me exists because, first He loved me. He has defended, fought, encouraged and bought... He forgave and forgave, and patiently He has taught... Gently, restoring my weak frame, He nurtures... somehow reviving such frailty and broken... broken am I and somehow, alive... I burned in the ashes, have endured my share of lashes, ... battles have wounded, the desert has parched my throat and my skin.... yet I have been found by my friend who has satisfied my limbs...on the outside I am fainting, inside I'm thriving... all because of the One I'm leaning on. It's all about Him... Look at Him I say to you. Look at the One whos’ strong arm embraces. Look at the One who's hands are wounded from fighting for me. We have come from a battle, we've made it out shining.. Dusty and thirsty, yet smiling because of mercy. With songs arising, What a beautiful Bridegroom! Filling, and flowing it is His love that I survive on. There will be more battles, but fear not faint heart, I have a faithful true friend. For what a friend we have in Jesus. Oh my friends, Look at HIM!