It's been 2 months now, since returning to Kansas City. The month spent in Poland and Ukraine was unlike any other trip I've been on.
We mostly encouraged the body of believers and secular organizations caring for trafficked women.
I will follow up with a more comprehensive update about Europe in the near future. After returning to the NIGHT WATCHES of the prayer room in August, we were all informed of a little switch-er-roo... We now are going to bed 2 or 3pm ish and waking up around 10:30-11pm. So we start our day at Midnight in the prayer room instead of end our day in the prayer room.
I have been on the new schedule a little over a week now. It will be great, once I get several things landed and have a set bedtime! Sleep is a bit tricky right now...
Something else new, I am on Chris Tofilon's worship team now! I love it. We as a team, are serving and getting to know each other. I really enjoy ministering together and then gathering off the stage for quality time :)
BTW- On the team, I run the screens and put up the words for the worship.
Also, I am in the midst of trying out a worship team as a singer at our Inner City Prayer Room. If they let me stay on, I think it will be a huge tool to help me grow in boldness and skill as a singer.
Yet another change: I switched to lunches as a server at Longhorn Steakhouse. While I labor to raise a partnership team as a missionary, I work part-time at a restaurant. .. I try to think of it as an outreach/ministry opportunity instead of a paycheck :):) ..
Well, I have the opportunity to hit the pillow early today, so I'm going to sign off. More later...
Steph Queen